Approved project about provision of psychosocial support and help
Approved project about provision of psychosocial support and help
In August 2013th there was received approval of the project “The provision of psychosocial support and help to Daugavpils, Daugavpils district teachers, social workers and families with children” (Nr. 2012.EEZ/PP/1/MIC/098/016). On 2nd September the implementation of the project has been started.
The aim of the project is to provide psychological help of improvement of life quality to families, teachers and social workers, to promote the inclusion in social life persons, who are under the risk of social exclusion.
The project will be carried out in Daugavpils and it will be oriented to inhabitants, social exclusion risk families, families with children, teachers, social workers from Daugavpils and Daugavpils district.
The activities of the project:
- A seminar-training will be held out during the project for teachers and social workers, who will receive practical advices, how to avoid stress and to live in harmony, working in a tense atmosphere.
- The practical seminar for parents will be held out, during which parents will get psychological stability, which is the base of the successful integration in society and favorable relationships in family.
- Individual consultations will be organized, as well.
- Etc.
Using psychological methods and self-help techniques, at least 192 persons will receive practical advices, how to overcome difficulties and to visualize the self-potential, power to improve the life quality in general.
The project is being implemented by NGO “Psiholoģisko konsultāciju centrs „INTENCE”” in cooperation with Daugavpils City Council – Department of General and Professional Education and Department of Social Affairs, and Daugavpils Rural Amalgamated Council – Department of Education and Department of Social Services.
Source of Funding: EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, Programme „NGO Fund”, sub-programme “NGO project measure””. The project is financially supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
Project Budget: total costs of the project LVL 14 155,10 (EUR 20 140,89), including public funding 89,63% – Ls 12 686,59 (EUR 18 051,39), NGO co-funding 10,37% – Ls 1 468,51 (EUR 2 089,50).
The project must be implemented till September 2014.
For more information:
Ludmila Dijokiene, director of NGO „INTENCE”
This publication is issued with the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and the Latvian government financial support. Responsible for the content of the publication: NGO “Psiholoģisko konsultāciju centrs „INTENCE””.